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Implementing and Managing Storage

Course Overview

This course teaches IT Professionals how to implement Azure storage solutions for a variety of scenarios. Students learn about the different storage accounts and services as well as basic data replication concepts and available replication schemes. Students are also introduced to Storage Explorer as a convenient way to work with Azure storage data. Students also learn the types of storage and how to work with managed and custom disks.

Azure blob storage is how Azure stores unstructured data in the cloud, and students learn how to work with blobs and blob containers. They also learn how to use Azure Files to work with file shares that are accessed via the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. In addition to blob storage, the course covers Table and Queue storage as storage options for structured data.

Students then learn how to secure and manage storage using Shared Access Signatures (SAS) and Azure Backup, using Recovery Services Vault. Next, students learn how to use Azure File Sync to centralize an organization’s file Shares in Azure Files. Content Delivery Network (CDN) is used to store cached content on a distributed network of servers that are close to end users. Students learn how to optimize content delivery with Azure CDN, as well as how to transfer large amounts of data using the Azure Import/Export service and Azure Data Box.

Lastly, students learn how to monitor Azure storage by configuring metrics and alerts and using the Activity Log. Students learn how to analyse usage trends, trace requests, and diagnose issues with a storage account.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create Azure storage accounts for different data replication, pricing, and content scenarios.
  • Implement virtual machine storage, blob storage, Azure files, and structured storage.
  • Secure and manage storage with shared access keys, Azure backup, and Azure File Sync.
  • Store and access data using Azure Content Delivery Network, Import and Export service, and Data Box.
  • Monitor Azure storage with metrics and alerts, and the Activity Log.


  • Successful Cloud Administrators start this role with experience on operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.